Website Accessibility

Website accessibility is very important to us. We would love to hear any suggestions about how we can improve our website to make it more accessible. If you have any suggestions please click here to send them to us.

Text Size

Modern internet browser software has a built-in zoom function which does away with the need for different text size options. If you would like to increase the text size please press CTRL and +, or to decrease the text size please press CTRL and -.


We have tried to ensure that we use enough contrast between our backgrounds and text to make them easily readable, however many people find it easier to read using a black or blue background with white or yellow text. Different internet browsers handle changing the background and text colour in various ways.

Please find details for the four most popular internet browsers below:

Google Chrome

Chrome requires you to download an extension to provide additional accessibility features such as text and background colour. There are a number of suitable extensions available via

Apple Safari

Safari requires you to specify your own style sheet to override text and background colours. If you have an appropriate style sheet you can use it by going to Preferences > Advanced > Style sheet.

Mozilla Firefox

Firefox provides similar options for overriding text and background colour. Please go to Tools > Options > Content > Colours then choose the colours desired and un-tick the option to ‘Allow pages to choose their own colours, instead of my selections above’.

Microsoft Edge

With its built-in accessibility features, Microsoft Edge allows you to customise options to meet your individual needs and preferences. For more details, click here to see the Microsoft Edge Ease of Access guide. 

Internet Explorer

Internet Explorer allows you to override the specified colour of text and backgrounds. To do this please go to Internet Options > General > Colors then make sure ‘Use Windows colors’ is not ticked and specify the colours you would like to use. Once you have done this, go to Internet Options > General > Accessibility and tick the box to ‘Ignore colors specified on webpages’. Here you will also find the option to ignore font sizes and styles.